Managers of Pars Zagros concrete complex

Mr.Gholam Abbas Jafari Nogurani

Mr.Mostafa Salmani Asoudi
The management’s statement
We are eternally grateful to God, the source of all knowledge and the Almighty, for bestowing upon us the ability to create and the ability to serve his servants successfully. We extend our warmest greetings to everyone who embodies the spirit of advancement, development, improvement, and wealth. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work at the Pars Zagros concrete complex. Our objective is to establish a solid and dependable foundation for supplying ready-mixed concrete to building and construction projects.
The Pars Zagros complex, which consists of two Zagros concrete factories and Pars 321 concrete, has been able to make enormous strides in the progress of urban development and service to this region by drawing on its years of expertise. In addition to producing ready-mixed concrete at the Pars Zagros concrete complex, we also create solutions based on contemporary knowledge to advance concrete technology.
By infusing the spirit of excellence into every one of our divisions, including the laboratory, operations, logistics, etc., we have been able to make the future more promising for future generations. At the Pars Zagros concrete complex, we place a high priority on fostering innovation and sustaining partnerships and two-way communication with clients and other stakeholders. Every building project’s success is correlated with our own.
Through the application of knowledge, skills, engineering concepts, and the use of the most cutting-edge machinery for creating and delivering ready-mixed concrete, we have attempted to satisfy the demands and expectations of our clients in this collection with a result-oriented approach. We want to conduct ourselves in a way that will maximize client satisfaction and strengthen our position in the construction sector. We anticipate that, with the aid of the One and Only Lord, Iran and Iranians will always have a promising future filled with creativity and service.

BETON PARSZAGROS Corporation consists of two factories of Betonzagros Industries and Betonpars321. Also, Betonparszagros Corporation has the entire legal license for the business. You can see it all below.
Licenses of Betonpars 321
Licenses of Betonzagros